Bisan Joudeh learns more about higher education
Bisan Joudeh, 19, has made up her mind - she will continue her studies after high school. The step into higher education will be via Tekniksprånget at the University of Gävle. "I feel that I can contribute ideas to the University," says Bisan.

Curious about the University
Bisan Joudeh heard about Tekniksprånget for the first time during his third year of high school. That's when she met Anastasia, who was a "technology leaper" at the University last autumn, and who visited Bisan's school to talk about what she was doing.
"My friend and I thought Tekniksprånget seemed exciting. We both applied and both got the chance. My friend is at Gävle municipality's IT department now and I'm at the University.
Bisan was curious about the University and how it works with higher education, but wanted to work before she starts studying.
"It feels like a big step to start studying at university or college and I want to know more about how it works.
Working with different events
During a four-month internship at the University, many and varied tasks await. Bisan has been working on preparing for the Technology Fair, when 1200 eighth graders came to the University. Later, she will work with GIS-DAY (International GIS Day), and with Lovteknik, when the University receives 10–12-year-olds during the autumn holidays who can try out various technical experiments.
"I've also been able to participate in the surveying program's laboratory sessions and CAD lessons with mechanical engineers. It was interesting," she says.
Bisan will also help with how the University communicates about the engineering programmes at and adapt the information to the target group.
Bisan feels that she has been able to contribute with ideas about the arrangements she is working on and that she has come closer to a decision about her future.
"Now I know more about how it works here at the University and it doesn't feel as scary to apply anymore. I haven't decided what I'm going to study yet, but I'm aiming to start next fall. Whether it will be here at the University or somewhere else, we'll see," she says.
Text: Anders Munck