GDPR policy

Read about how we handle the information you provide in order to participate in Tekniksprånget.

Two people at the table sign a contract.

GDPR for those looking for an internship

Since 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applies in Sweden and  the EU. Here you can read more about our privacy policy and how we use and handle your data.

When you create an account in Tekniksprånget's portal, you agree that we process the information you provide in the portal. Contact information for Tekniksprånget and the Royal Swedish Academy of Personal Data The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA, can be found at the end of this information.

We collect, manage and save contact information to be able to reach you with information about Tekniksprånget and your internship. We also save the other information you have provided in the portal in order to be able to administer the internship itself, such as which school you attended, your grades, whether you have a driver's license, which languages you speak, gender, your CV, your video presentation and which employers you are interested in. You must also provide your social security number when you create an account on Tekniksprånget's portal. We use the personal identity number you have provided yourself to report to the Swedish National Agency for Education, which conducts statistical follow-ups on the project.

We also collect and save your answers from the surveys and surveys you have participated in and necessary parts of our communication with you and participating employers in Tekniksprånget.

The data controller is the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA and you can read more about the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA's privacy policy here

We would particularly like to draw your attention to the fact that we at Tekniksprånget:

  • Reports personal data to the Swedish National Agency for Education on everyone who has received an internship. This is for the Swedish National Agency for Education's annual follow-up and evaluation of Tekniksprånget.
  • Uses contact information to reach candidates for surveys and surveys, e.g. what they do after completing their internship. Responding to such a survey is always voluntary.
  • Uses candidates' contact information to provide information and invite to events and competitions.
  • Saves account information for those who create an account but do not complete their application, for up to one year after the application is closed.
  • Saves several of the information the candidate has provided in the application for as long as Tekniksprånget is operated or for a maximum of 7 years: Social security number, name, phone number, Email, Address, Postal code, City, Time/date of registration, Upper secondary school name, Specialization in science/technology, Grades upper secondary school, Driver's license YES/NO, Language skills, Time/date of application, Applied city, Gender, Applied employer, Employer location applied for, Employer marked as favorite, Answer to survey 1: Why the candidate applies for Tekniksprånget and how the candidate received information about the program, and answers to Survey 2: Attitude measurement about how the candidate views your future career and employer, in order to be able to produce statistics and follow the effects of the government's investment in Tekniksprånget.
  • Offers those who are accepted to an internship to become part of Tekniksprånget's Alumni Network, which is why we save contact information as long as the Alumni Network is run and up to 1 year after that.


GDPR for you as an employer

From May 25, 2018, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applies in Sweden and the rest of the EU. We have updated our information and privacy policy to help you understand how we handle your data.

The data controller is the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA and you can read more about the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA's privacy policy here In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that we at Tekniksprånget process personal data from your participating employer: contact information for the person who is the contact within your organization, the person who is the decision-maker and information about the supervisor. The information and any necessary parts of our communication with the stated contact persons are saved as long as we collaborate on Tekniksprånget and up to 1 year after the end of the relationship.

Participating employers (Data Controllers) who receive personal data via Tekniksprånget are responsible for ensuring that the personal data is processed in accordance with GDPR.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can always contact us at Tekniksprånget,


Royal. Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA
P.O. Box 5073
102 42 Stockholm