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Teknikkvinnor tillsammans med Tekniksprånget berättar under ett frukostseminarium hur handledarskapet kan ge fler kvinnliga ledare inom teknik.
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Lär dig navigera bland emojis samtidigt som du skaffar ett försprång i jakten på nya talanger. Vi har samlat 50 anledningar att ta in tekniksprångare. Kan du komma på fler?
Gotlands Energi saw early on the importance of supplying the island with engineers. To attract young talent, however, it is important to think several steps ahead – be strategic. That's why GEAB is already investing in young interns through Tekniksprånget.
Alva Skyttner, 19, and Unni Thurdin, 20, have both moved far to make Tekniksprånget in a completely different place.
During her internship at Transdev, Frida Hafström had the opportunity to do a project on gender equality in the technology and transport industry.
Here, we have gathered all documents and links to Tekniksprånget's materials for you as an applicant, intern, school, supervisor, and employer.
In the spring of 2016, Johanna began her internship via the Technology Leap at ABB's Corporate Research department. Today, she is back in the same department as a civil engineer and is for the first time a supervisor for the technology leap, eight years after her own internship.