The internship became the way into IVA's student council
Beatrice's first idea was to become a journalist. After Tekniksprånget at AstraZeneca, she chose instead to study civil engineering. Now, in addition to her studies, Beatrice is also a member of IVA's student council. We had the chance to do a quick interview with her where she talks about her experience of both the internship but also the student council assignment.

When did you attend Tekniksprånget and where did you do your internship?
Autumn 2015 at Astra Zeneca in Södertälje
Why did you apply because you had actually planned to study something completely different at the university?
I was determined that I would study to become a journalist or a bachelor's degree in peace and development studies. A friend told me that it was possible to work with social issues even by working with technology, and then I thought that Tekniksprånget could be good to see how it felt. After all, 4 months of paid internship wouldn't hurt and then I could get a greater understanding of what the engineering profession was.
What did you learn from your internship?
The biggest thing was that I actually decided to apply for an engineering education. Today, I am very happy for that opportunity as I believe that the engineering role suits me very well.
I also had the opportunity to take a lot of personal responsibility mixed with many fun study visits to the company. I learned a lot about leadership because I got to see leadership in action and got to try working in a factory, which was a lot of fun. Finally, I also gained a network through other technology leapers, partly because I met new friends during my internship but also later in life where the technology leap has been a good conversation starter when I met other technology leapers.
Now you're studying to be an engineer, what subject are you studying?
I have chosen to study Energy, Environment, Management at Linköping University. There is a lot of focus on energy and environmental technology mixed with courses in economics and organizational management.
What tips do you have for those who are going to apply to university?
Check out which courses are included in the programs you are interested in and if the names of the courses sound interesting, it will take you far in the education. I would also recommend studying some summer math about one that I had a few years break from high school.
Do you have a dream job that you can't wait to get hold of after graduation?
My main dream job would be to work with the development of policy and instruments for energy and environmental issues in the EU or nationally. I don't think it will be my first job, so initially I hope to work with environmental or energy issues in Sweden.
Today you are a member of the Student Council at IVA – what do you think is the best thing about it and would you like to tell us a little about what you do?
IVA Student Council is a group of students from all over Sweden and we all meet about once a month at different universities. Together, we run a number of projects and participate in IVA's activities in various ways, primarily by contributing perspectives from us as young academics. The best thing about the student council is spending time with the others in the group and having the opportunity to meet so many cool people among IVA's members.
Picture of Beatrice from her internship in 2015 at AstraZeneca