Get a head start in talent supply

We give you the head start you need when recruiting. With Tekniksprånget, you can meet the next generation of engineers and develop new leaders in a fun and inspiring way.

A young woman presents on a whiteboard to a middle-aged man

For supervisors

Are you going to be a supervisor for the first time or maybe you have been one before? We provide you with everything you need to create a great internship.

For supervisors

Are you going to be a supervisor for the first time or maybe you have been one before? We provide you with everything you need to create a great internship.

Advertising and recruitment

Your ad is the first step to finding the right candidate, and once you've found your next star, it's time to recruit. We are with you throughout the process.

Advertising and recruitment

Your ad is the first step to finding the right candidate, and once you've found your next star, it's time to recruit. We are with you throughout the process.