If you are a supervisor

Thank you for being a supervisor in Tekniksprånget. Your input is what makes the project what it is. You motivate and inspire young people to find their way in professional life and that is exactly what the internship is all about.

A young woman is being tutored by her female supervisor at a machine with a screen.

Welcome back as a supervisor

Through Tekniksprånget, Sweden's employers and government are working together to secure the future supply of skills in the engineering profession and other technology-oriented work. Your contribution as a supervisor is absolutely crucial for the success of Tekniksprånget. Thank you very much for making Tekniksprånget possible! 

A few tips for you:

  • Draw your manager's attention to what the role of a supervisor within Tekniksprånget entails. The experience can be of great benefit to both the organization as a whole and in your own career. 
  • As a supervisor, you have great opportunities to really inspire and influence a young person. Set personal goals for what you want your intern to take away after the internship ends. 
  • Pass the baton. Is there anyone else who will be your supervisor during the next semester? If it has not yet been decided who, it is probably much appreciated if you help find the right person. If it has been decided who will take over, you can facilitate and inspire by sharing your experiences with that person. 

Download the program guide "Hello Tutors!" (pdf)

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Vi har digitala handledarintroduktioner inför varje termin där vi under 90 minuter fokuserar på att ge dig verktygen för att skapa en bra praktik för en ung person som har liten eller kanske ingen arbetslivserfarenhet.