New supervisors

Two women arguing on their way down a flight of stairs.

Welcome as a supervisor

Let us start by saying: thank you!
Without your input as a supervisor, Tekniksprånget would not be what it is. You motivate and inspire young adults just by welcoming them, inviting them to a coffee and introducing them to the first step in a future career. For many techleapers, the internship is the first encounter with professional life.

Don't worry about tasks or not knowing how to plan the next few months. Tekniksprånget helps you with a clear program structure, a supervisor's guide and introductions for supervisors around Sweden.

Programguide – Hej Handledare!

Programguide – Hej Tekniksprångare!

How does AB Volvo do it? Listen to Lennart Cider, experienced supervisor at Tekniksprånget and take part in his best tips. 

Learn from each other

Supervisor introductions

We have digital webinars before each semester where we focus on giving you the tools to create a good internship for a young person who has little or no work experience.