Engineer at municipalities
Engineers in municipalities work in single or several administrations or municipal companies – all with different areas of responsibility. For example, urban planning, environmental and safety supervision and traffic planning.

Work with the city's land and properties. Insight into local supply, development processes, construction technology and maintenance.
Produce maps, geographic data, and analyze geographic conditions. Be involved where land is to be measured and houses are to be built.
Environmental and health protection
Accompany you to food inspections (restaurants), environmental inspections (beach protection, companies, schools, etc.) and alcohol and tobacco control.
Urban design
Work in various departments, including work with building permits, land surveying and geodata, planning issues, and land and development matters.
Land surveying (updating of GIS maps, surveying and demarcation of plots in the event of subdivision and land sale).
Compile views from residents on plans for how the municipality should grow, how the houses should be built and the roads drawn. Be involved in influencing the planning of the future city.
Visits to urban planning and development offices with the mission to "Discover and find new possible residential areas" in the city. Study maps, collect data and knowledge about water and electricity lines, tunnels, roads and communication systems in the area. Visit these proposed areas and make actual measurements to develop concrete models of the future residential area.
Participation in projects concerning the renovation of the city's concert hall. In this work, the interns have participated in project meetings with the architectural firm that won the competition assignment, city architects from the City Planning Office and the municipality's politicians. They have also had the opportunity to meet with the corresponding building committee for the matter.
Participate in the work to get the municipality to get a metro and thousands of new homes to be built.
Examples of how the internship can be scheduled within the City Planning Office on a general level: Land surveying (1+3 v.), land and development (1+3), building permits (1+3), planning (1+3)
Built Environment
Business development with a focus on IT. Work with IT systems and quality work as well as process mapping.
Work with people with different professions in technical management such as design engineers, operations engineers, project managers, landscape engineers, traffic planners and supervisors.
Work in GIS, AutoCad and other computer programs.
Follow various projects such as new renovations and extensions of schools, nursing homes, streets, parks and water and sewage networks.
Follow the work with local environmental goals, climate programs and the Water Framework Directive.