Your ad is the first step to finding the right candidate. We have noticed that it is positive to write the advertisement candidate-focused, with an emphasis on desired qualities, rather than knowledge. How you write your ad also has a big impact on the target group you want to attract.

1. Ad headline
Setting a good headline is the be-all and end-all of a successful ad. It should attract reading and also serve as a common thread throughout the text. If you have a clear role clear to your candidate, it is a great example of a headline, but feel free to lighten it up with a verb or adjective, for example: "Development engineer at world-leading paperboard manufacturer" instead of just "Development engineer".
If the role is more fluid, the company's goals can also work well, for example: "Help us become the first in the world with electric aviation".
Tip: Avoid words like "intern", "internship", "Tekniksprånget", the employer's name.
Different words attract different candidates
Just changing words and finding synonyms has a big impact on which candidates apply for a position. Here are a few examples that have contributed to more diversity among applicants.
- Committed instead of driven
- Self-propelled instead of independent
- Creative instead of technical
- Knowledgeable instead of competent
More words to switch between could be:
- Problem solver instead of technical
- Interested in rather than knowledge in
2. Description of you as an employer
After the ad headline, the first thing the reader encounters is the presentation of you. Therefore, it is a good idea to start with a preamble that arouses curiosity. A few sentences about you as an employer or the area you work in are enough. Keep it short and simple.
Furthermore, you can advantageously tell us more about your business; What do you do, what do you value in employees, how do you develop in the future, how many people work for you, where do you want to go? Feel free to include soft values. Perhaps the business is facing new challenges that need fresh perspectives? Try to keep the text concise and preferably without too many numbers about turnover, etc. Instead, link to your career page.
Please write why it is important for you to participate in Tekniksprånget and get in touch with young adults who are curious about your field.
And above all – why should technology leapers choose you? Sell yourselves.
3. Duties at your company
If you have a clear role planned, please describe it in as much detail and concreteness as possible – preferably in bullet points. If not, there may be tasks or projects that the department is working on that can be described already in the advertisement. Tell us what you think the internship arrangement might look like. Describe which areas it is an advantage if the candidate already has an interest in or is curious about.
What does the team look like? Have you had techleapers before? Why not let them tell you about their time with you and what they got to do?
Here you can be inspired by more tasks.
Tips för en lyckad annons:
• Fokus på kandidaten
• Undvik siffror
• Egenskaper och intresse, inte kunskaper
• Fundera över ordval
• Företagets värderingar och mål